Credit Repair on steroids – Credit Attorneys fixing Reporting Errors and Identity Theft, FCRA Litigation, and more. GET STARTED NOW

Do you need credit repair?

  • Do you have a low credit score?
  • Have you been denied financing?
  • Are you paying high interest rates on your credit cards?
  • Do you see accounts on your credit report you don’t recognize?
  • Do you want to improve your credit score?
  • Are you receiving collection calls?

Yes to any of the above? You probably need credit repair.

Start Now for FREE

Frequent questions about credit repair

How much does credit repair cost?
How much does credit repair cost?

It depends! We do flat rate pricing with affordable payment options, starting at $100/mo.

How high should your credit score be?
How high should your credit score be?

Generally, a score of 650 or higher is considered good. Depending on your financing goals, you may need a higher score to buy or finance what you want.

How much will your credit improve?
How much will your credit improve?

It depends! Our goal is to get you the highest score possible which is possible through credit repair, credit counseling, and debt settlement. Our goal is to get our clients to 640+ FICO

How long does credit repair take?
How long does credit repair take?

It should take 3 months, but if your problem is complicated it will take longer, or you may have to file a FCRA lawsuit.

What is a good credit score?

Here is a handy credit score chart, which will give you a credit score range to aim for when trying to improve your credit.

What is a good credit score?

Why Should You Try Credit Repair?

Quite simply, professional credit repair will help increase your credit score. When you increase your credit score, many options and possibilities become available to you, like easier approvals for mortgages, car loans, personal financing, and credit cards. Also, you may not have to pay a utility bill security deposit when setting up a new account and your interest rates for any type of financing will be lower.

Having Good Credit Equals

Lower Interest Rates

Lower Interest Rates

Lower Security Deposits

Lower Security Deposits

No Down Payments

No Down Payments


This is a well run group really knows her stuff. All of her staff have been well trained to assist all their clients…

Sandra Fischer 5.0 ★★★★★

I would highly recommend Arizona Credit Law Group to anyone in need the professional services they provide. Their staff are very knowledgeable, honest and will provide you with the best options for YOUR personal credit situation.

Conrad L. 5.0 ★★★★★

This place was great! Very informative and very professional! Felt like I got straight answers and not the runaround about my credit!

Angela S. 5.0 ★★★★★

Top 4 most common credit reporting errors

1. Personal Information Errors

Sometimes your name, social security number, date of birth and address are reported incorrectly and need to be fixed.

2. Inaccurate Late Payments

“Late” for credit reporting purposes is 30+ days late. Often there might be payments that we marked late, even though they were paid on time.

3. Collections & Charge Off Accounts

Unless you paid the account or have reason to believe the debt is reported in error, you probably need debt settlement.

4. Mortgage Issues

Rolling Late Payments: When one late becomes multiple payments – especially with a loan modification

Mortgage Deficiency Balances: If you lost your home to short sale or foreclosure, and a balance is still reported – before you pay make sure you owe it.

Zombie Foreclosures: If you filed bankruptcy but the bank didn’t foreclose on the house for years or still hasn’t – you have options.

Take the first step to your better financial future.

You’ll receive:

  • In-person credit consult with a lawyer
  • A review of your credit report
  • Recommendations for your situation
  • A $250 value


During the consult, we will review your situation, documents, and create a plan of attack. We will also give you a quote for services and payment options.

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